Papers by Pacific RISE Authors
Pacific Inclusive Education Model: Addressing Dichotomies to Ensure Positive Outcomes.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offers a global blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for every person, through universal action to address social, economic, and environmental inequity and inequality (United Nations Development Programme, 2021). For educators, SDG Goal 4 aims to ensure an equitable quality education that promotes lifelong learning opportunities and this goal has been endorsed by Pacific United Nations States in order to pave the road towards an inclusive education for all (UNESCO, 2018). We wish to argue, however, that attempting to meet global development goals for inclusive education is fundamentally problematic because of the nuances of the regions and contexts. For example, Pacific states might better benefit from its own inclusive education trajectory that reflects individual contexts and understanding of distinct educational complexities. We propose the alignment of the global goals that positions local discourses of knowledge, values and understanding alongside inclusive education frameworks. The Pacific Disability Model offers a third space for disability discussions and actions that intersects global and local policy and practice binaries. By doing so, it is hoped that an inclusive approach to education can reach its potential for all, and particularly, students with disabilities in Pacific nations.
Engaging in 21st Century Practices: Aligning Pacific Ways of Teaching and Learning with Innovative Learning Environments.
Transforming teaching and learning has become a focus among policy makers and educators across the Asia Pacific region for nearly 10 years. However Pacific teacher pedagogy and student learning continues to reflect teaching that is reminiscent of a traditional and prescriptive didactic approach. Nevertheless, there exists the inherent danger of introducing global teaching and learning practices without consideration of context. This article proposes a conceptual model that demonstrates the alignment of Pacific ways of teaching and learning with contemporary Innovative Learning Environments (ILEs). This conceptual model illustrates that there is considerable overlap between these two constructs and serves to provide a contextual and usable framework for future Pacific pedagogical practices.
The Pacific Disability Model: Evidence to Support a Model of Practice for Inclusive Education Development
Attempting to meet global goals is problematic for Pacific nations for many reasons, including variances between contexts. Having considered the complexity of how Pacific nations approach their inclusive education journey, we developed a model, the Pacific Disability Model, that enables the intersect between global and local policies and practices. This article speaks to the application of the model and results from a professional learning program that was delivered for teachers in partnership with Australian universities and the Vanuatu Ministry of Education and Training. The outcomes from the professional learning program support the efficacy of the model’s collaborative approach to learning.
Other publications by Pacific RISE authors
Creating inclusive classrooms in the Pacific region: Working in partnership with teachers in the Republic of Nauru to develop inclusive practices
Culturally responsive pedagogy for sustainable quality education in the Cook Islands setting
Culturally responsive inclusive education: The value of the local context.
Parent and teacher attitudes towards inclusive education in Nauru
A critical view of female aggression and the implications of gender, culture and a changing society: A Cook Islands perspective
Classroom behaviour management in the Pacific: Developing an approach to create meaningful shifts in teacher thinking
How the Tivaevae Model can be Used as an Indigenous Methodology in Cook Islands Education Settings